Bonehead [noun]
Definition of Bonehead:
Sentence/Example of Bonehead:
If you weren't such a bonehead for doing what you start out to do, we could do something interesting.
What the Americans call a bonehead became what the English call a hard-headed man.
"Plenty of bonehead plays in those days as well as now," murmured Tom.
So accept the complimentary comparison—if it fits—which maybe it doesn't, you egotistical bonehead.
There's no harm will come of it, but only good, if I'm not a bonehead from Bonetown.
And to think that he chose this moment to pull that bonehead play!
Don't pull any bonehead plays that'll get these people down on you.
“I certainly would be a timorous animal if I let myself be scared into flight by that big bonehead,” he said at last.
In those days almost anyone who was not a perfect bonehead could set up as a Wise Man and get away with it.
Scotty, under his breath, began heaping curses on himself as a bonehead, and tried to take it out on the wrench he was using.