Bookkeepings [noun]
Definition of Bookkeepings:
Opposite/Antonyms of Bookkeepings:
Sentence/Example of Bookkeepings:
He had been referred to M. Joyeuse by an honest fellow of his acquaintance, old Passajon, to take lessons in bookkeeping.
It proves to be after all a matter of bookkeeping,—technical differences, which were reconciled readily enough.
Power, unaccustomed as yet to the methods of financial bookkeeping, turned to the latest column, and saw a row of figures.
Of course when the farm business becomes very large and intricate, an elaborate system of bookkeeping is necessary.
It is the most admirable system of bookkeeping that ever was devised.
This machine is said to be the final step in relieving bookkeeping of its drudgery.
In the central bookkeeping office of the Harvester Company I found some almost incredible statistics.
The bookkeeping in the office of State Superintendent Cloud was irregular.
Speed was ill much of the time, and his bookkeeping was little better than Clouds.
Miss Bailey was doing frantic bookkeeping in her charitable mind, and was wondering how much of the loss she might replace.