Bulla [noun]
Definition of Bulla:
Synonyms of Bulla:
● Abscess
● Sore
● Welt
● Ulcer
● Cyst
● Pimple
● Wale
● Weal
● Sac
● Bubble
● Burn
● Vesicle
● Canker
● Boil
● Blain
● Furuncle
● Bleb
● Pustule
● Wheal
Opposite/Antonyms of Bulla:
Sentence/Example of Bulla:
Its decoration consisted in part of a Swastika similar in form and style to the Etruscan gold “bulla,” fig. 188 in this paper.
In the latter there is a considerable bulging below the aperture of the ear called the bulla tympani, or bulb of the drum.
The great cavity is the bulla tympani or bulb of the ear; a m is the auditory meatus or external hole of the ear.
As a director of the Southwest Museum, Bulla performs another of his services to the community.
The external auditory aperture (fig. 75, 7) is a large opening with rough edges at the outer side of the tympanic bulla.
The tympanic is not fused to the periotic and has a small bulla not filled with cancellous bone.
The tympanic bulla is small in Otaria, large in the Phocidae, and flattened in the Walrus.
The tympanic bulla is large and the periotic and tympanic are fused together, but not as a rule to the squamosal.
The tympanic is united with the periotic but not with the squamosal, and forms a large auditory bulla.
A genus formed for the reception of those species of Bulla which have the spire uncovered.