Bullying [adjective]
Definition of Bullying:
Opposite/Antonyms of Bullying:
Sentence/Example of Bullying:
A police officer was a person who would help a 74-year-old woman cross the street, not bully her and lie about it.
She said she shared her girls’ bullying experiences with teachers, the principal, school board members and the parent teacher association and was blown off for years.
Unfortunately, there are lots powerful people who are sometimes the subject of critical journalism who basically try to take advantage of that and bully independent writers and journalists.
Staff told investigators Carson was a bully who angers easily, used intimidation and made everyday tasks harder – especially for women, according to the investigation.
Some marketers have felt bullied by the giant platform, with top Facebook executives going over their heads to company leadership with the basic message that the marketers aren’t doing their job right because they’re not spending enough on Facebook.
Young adolescents and young people are equally bullied in schools, universities, and at the workplace.
For years, that is precisely the approach it has demanded from other nations as it tries to reshape the global order — like a bully, happy to pick off smaller kids one by one, but worried about them ganging up.
The case involved a man working on an oil rig being bullied by other men because he was considered effeminate.
Not that you could use the presidency to bully people into submission.
It was President Teddy Roosevelt who coined the phrase “bully pulpit” as a description of the Presidency.