Burliest [adjective]
Definition of Burliest:
Synonyms of Burliest:
● Bulky
● Hulking
● Sturdy
● Athletic
● Portly
● Muscular
● Stocky
● Brawny
● Stout
● Beefy
● Big
● Hefty
● Hunk
● Powerful
● Strong
● Hulky
● Thickset
● Beefcake
● Bruising
Opposite/Antonyms of Burliest:
Sentence/Example of Burliest:
Tom himself was burly, ruddy, broad, and rather above middle size.
This hurly-burly,” said he, drawing her into a quiet eddy of the stream, “is no place for the communion of two twin souls.
Out of a dark porch, ten paces along Bond Street, appeared a burly figure to fall into step a few yards behind Gray.
A man, burly and broad-shouldered, who had the air of a professional bully, walked by himself ahead.
A burly warrior scooped up coals on a piece of bark and with a fiendish grin leaped through the smoke.
As for the battle array, one wing consisted of the twenty ships belonging to Bui the Burly and his brother Sigurd.
In marked contrast to this burly, rough man was the refined New England woman, a professor in one of our leading girls' colleges.
A hearty roar of laughter burst from the doorway as the Factor's burly figure blocked the aperture.
The merchants were packing up their goods; housewives were secreting their silver; everywhere there was a hurly-burly.
And forthwith were summoned the two burly officials whose unpopular duty it was to administer castigation.