Calisthenics [noun]

Definition of Calisthenics:

calisthenic exercises performed daily

Synonyms of Calisthenics:

Opposite/Antonyms of Calisthenics:


Sentence/Example of Calisthenics:

Colston's girls' day school includes domestic economy and calisthenics.

Miss Beach is quite competent to teach Emmie spelling and you dancing and calisthenics, and her manners are not your business.

Anyway, boys do not care greatly for calisthenics and most drills can be given without these trappings.

She was mercifully oblivious of the fact that her tub-calisthenics had made her no more exquisite than a cow in a kimono.

I wish them to be thoroughly taught, especially music and calisthenics.

He was going through a few calisthenics, gingerly but with increasing abandon, while he spoke.

She was not the sort of person who leaps gayly from bed and performs calisthenics before an opened window in zero weather.

Mr. Cassidy was executing calisthenics with a Colt in the rear of Mr. Travennes' neck and was leading the horses.

The tumult was the signal for Lorna to begin a series of equine calisthenics, more distinguished for violence than beauty.

The first fifteen minutes are devoted to light calisthenics executed by command with loud counting and simultaneous movements.