Camouflaged [adjective]
Definition of Camouflaged:
Sentence/Example of Camouflaged:
Hundreds of letters camouflaged with good wishes and invariably asking favours.
Here was a tiny ambuscade roofed over with sod and camouflaged on its one side with dead herbage, wherein two soldiers crouched.
It was concealed under an improvised shed carefully camouflaged, and was brought out on rails, in a horizontal position.
Children were balancing themselves on the barrels of abandoned German cannon and climbing about the huge camouflaged trucks.
Cigars were camouflaged cabbage-leaves, with little or no flavor, and the beer sadly fallen off from its pre-war glory.
The wraith twitched one ear in acknowledgment, the head outlines shifting as the camouflaged face turned towards Telzey.
Next, a pair of camouflaged lids drew back from TT's round, brilliant-green eyes.
The roof of it is camouflaged until it looks exactly like the rest of the trail floor.
At all localities where they were found, the lizards were most often seen in dense bushes, where they are well camouflaged.
So it requires sharp eyes to distinguish the carefully camouflaged batteries of the enemy.