Canonist [noun]
Definition of Canonist:
person who has faith in something
Synonyms of Canonist:
● Devotee
● Adherent
● Disciple
● Follower
● Zealot
● Convert
● Freak
● Apostle
● Prophet
● Orthodox
● Upholder
● Acceptor
Sentence/Example of Canonist:
Joannes of Lignano, near Milan, a canonist and natural philosopher, who flourished about 1378.
Cino, the master of Bartolus, and of Joannes Andreae the celebrated canonist, was long famed as a jurist.
His father and grandfather, the latter a celebrated jurist and canonist, had been judges in that city.
This provision Mr. Gladstone vehemently opposed, and quoted from the canonist Van Espero.
Linian; 'the canonist Giovanni di Lignano, once illustrious, now forgotten, though several works of his remain.
His life under these circumstances continued to be simply that of a physician and canonist.
Stephen of Tournai, a canonist of the twelfth century, recognizes the two powers; but he only knows one society, under one king.
In 1874 Father Camillo Tarquini was raised to the cardinalate for his ability as a canonist.