Carbonated [adjective]

Definition of Carbonated:


Synonyms of Carbonated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Carbonated:





Sentence/Example of Carbonated:

The other four varieties have slightly different makeups, such as dirt that is particularly rich in carbonates or sulfates.

Ice containing sodium chloride, also known as table salt, or sodium carbonate appeared dimmer than pure water ice.

As the ice melted, it likely seeped into surface fissures and trickled through the pre-Bennu body, dropping carbonates as it went.

The reaction with carbon dioxide mainly produces magnesium carbonate minerals like magnesite, a stable material that could lock away the greenhouse gas for millennia.

Sure, you could pour your own G&T into a bottle and hike it up the trail, but by the time you get to the top, you might have a carbonated explosion in your pack.

The next day, he and Bill Myers got a bottle of carbonated water and mixed themselves a couple of drinks of it.

The alkalies are soluble in water, even when carbonated; a property which distinguishes them from the alkaline earths.

In the neighbourhood of Belturbet, near the small lake of Annagh, is a carbonated chalybeate spring.

The quick-lime may be slaked, and carbonated after reaching its destination, either before or after being applied to the land.

It melts in boiling water, and dissolves in alcohol and oil of turpentine, as well as in carbonated or caustic alkaline lyes.