Career [noun]

Definition of Career:

course, path

Synonyms of Career:

Opposite/Antonyms of Career:

Sentence/Example of Career:

“He didn’t pitch until late in his college career, so there’s some relative freshness to his arm,” the scout told FiveThirtyEight.

Instead, Khudobin has been off the mark so far in the bubble, playing some of the worst hockey of his career.

“Ten years is better than four years, but it’s not better than career employment,” she said.

Being so young, doing it so early in my career — it’s amazing.

We are designing it for inspiration, to help members find the inspiration, energy, and allies they’ll need to grow their careers while make business better.

Turning Point dates to 2012, when Montgomery, retired from a career in marketing, heard Kirk, then 18, deliver a speech in the Chicago suburbs at Benedictine University’s “Youth Government Day.”

Bridgewater said in response to questions that its goals are to protect its intellectual property and to support employees in their careers after they leave.

We are announcing the launch of a new membership community—Fortune Connect—created for mid-career professionals who are on the executive track, rising fast, and leadership bound.

It was carried out at the start of the year as a way to understand peoples’ experiences within the group, focusing on identifying feelings about their career, their sense of belonging and experiences of inappropriate behavior.

The daughter of a venture capitalist in most cases is about twelve, because most venture capitalists are, when they’re in the prime of their careers, in the forty-five-to-fifty range.