Caustically [adverb]
Definition of Caustically:
Opposite/Antonyms of Caustically:
Sentence/Example of Caustically:
It’s an approach that relies more on caustic rhetoric than on substantiated allegations.
A recently formed advocacy group in Northern Virginia, Arlington Parents for Education, released a caustic statement slamming the superintendent’s new, slower reopening plan, arguing it will harm children.
"You seem to know as much about submarines as you do about moving pictures," remarked Matt, caustically.
Max commented on the fact caustically, but Dal hushed him up.
"Till then I may as well make myself useful," Stella interrupted caustically.
And Mr. Evans had caustically rejoined: "It'll be the funny day when you'll see wings on him!"
"There's some things—such as chronic sassiness—some folks never get over," he observed caustically.
When Steele let it be known that he wanted to hire a jailer and a guard this caustically humorous element offered itself en masse.
The form-master, who has endured Master Binks' society for nearly two years, and knows him only too well, laughs caustically.
"Darcy was always too smooth for our present taste," said Heffernan, caustically.