Centaur [noun]
Definition of Centaur:
giant animal; supernatural being
Synonyms of Centaur:
● Giant
● Devil
● Freak
● Behemoth
● Horror
● Demon
● Beast
● Villain
● Whale
● Savage
● Mutant
● Titan
● Ogre
● Colossus
● Brute
● Mammoth
● Hellion
● Fiend
● Dragon
● Phoenix
● Werewolf
Sentence/Example of Centaur:
Another of the most beautiful, on account of its regularity, is that of the Centaur (Fig. 22).
With the grace of a Centaur, the rider swung his mount in beside them and doffed his hat.
Deaneira took the robe, but said nothing to her husband of the centaur's gift, hoping that she would never have to make use of it.
The poisoned tip sank deep233 into the centaur's side, and he knew at once that he had received his death-wound.
"I harnessed him to the wagonette with Linda," returned the Centaur, with an angry look at the listening Valentina.
He would see nothing at all of the constellation of the Altar, and a good deal of that of the Centaur would be hidden from him.
A figure of a Centaur appears to have just left the Ship, and is represented as offering up an animal on an Altar.
Besides, Piscis greatly objected to it, for a clever centaur like him cared for nothing on earth but horses.
There were difficulties, too, about meals; the Centaur having conceived a growing distaste for hay and beans.
Having sustained the fire of several ships, he was, when almost a wreck, closely and vigorously attacked by the Centaur.