Chanticleer [noun]
Definition of Chanticleer:
Opposite/Antonyms of Chanticleer:
Sentence/Example of Chanticleer:
This gave our cabin quite a chanticleer sort of comb along its top, and added to the picturesqueness of its appearance.
The gallant chanticleer has at command his amorous phrases and his terms of defiance.
The exciting cause of the professor's outburst was an attempt to get from his class some information about Chanticleer.
You might not get the answer you were looking for, but you could not get a foolish answer, if you asked him of Chanticleer.
As they listened the challenge of the chanticleer came once more.
Poor chanticleer is tied by the leg to a post driven into the ground, or to a tree, his head and neck being well greased.
Lucilla opened a paper, and waved triumphantly five of the long tippet-plumes of chanticleer.
Then Chanticleer was very sorry, and cried bitterly; and all the beasts came and wept with him over poor Partlet.
Upon almost every steeple, chanticleer towers shining in the sun and wildly careering in the winds of spring.
In order to reach to the windows the animals made a tower of their bodies, with Greyskin at the bottom and Chanticleer at the top.