Cheeriness [noun]
Definition of Cheeriness:
Synonyms of Cheeriness:
● Glee
● Gladness
● Gaiety
● Buoyancy
● Solace
● Comfort
● Hilarity
● Joy
● Delight
● Optimism
● Cheer
● Mirth
Sentence/Example of Cheeriness:
The sun shone through my window on your letter as I read it, adding to its cheeriness.
After this auspicious beginning, the cheeriness of the midday meal was in pleasing contrast to the gloom of breakfast.
The men are splendid—their cheeriness comes up bubbling whenever the occasion calls for the dumps.
So far as there could be, or ought to be, comfort and cheeriness on so sad an occasion, comfort and cheeriness were here.
Nanna shared with her this love of colour, going in as she did for everything that increased true cheeriness.
He had lost that cheeriness and buoyancy that had drawn me so closely to him.
"Yes," called back Clifford with a cheeriness he was far from feeling.
By not a single quaver was the cheeriness of his snatchy, racy, merry voice affected.
Something of his old-time cheeriness seemed to flicker across his features as he warmed himself at the blaze.
All his cheeriness had deserted him and a decided frown marred the open frankness of his face.