Chivalrous [adjective]

Definition of Chivalrous:


Synonyms of Chivalrous:

Opposite/Antonyms of Chivalrous:

Sentence/Example of Chivalrous:

The most recklessly chivalrous terms are indeed consonant with Sir Edward's character.

By now his name was well known to friend and foe alike, and his chivalrous nature was admired, even by his enemies.

His frank, chivalrous nature was captivated by the bold personality of the Corsican, so great in war, so attractive in peace.

The main certainty about his hapless157 expedition to Ireland is the certainty that he fought with the most chivalrous ardour.

But neither with the domestic feeling nor with the chivalrous feeling has the wicked priest any sympathy.

Joanna enters to offer the Prince her thanks for his chivalrous defence of her fair name, and dismisses the other courtiers.

Even Frances and Sophy were chivalrous; and it had touched them, that dismal spectacle of Jane doing her sad best.

His impulse is to be chivalrous, for chivalry is not regulated by income nor deadened by pennilessness.

"Thank you for your chivalrous impulse to help me," she said, frankly, holding out her bare hand.

He much preferred they should take that view of it, and he was chivalrous enough to hope she would think so too.