Chloroforms [noun]

Definition of Chloroforms:

toxic substance

Synonyms of Chloroforms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Chloroforms:


Sentence/Example of Chloroforms:

In the presence of bromin the chloroform, which settles to the bottom, assumes a yellow color.

The fumes of the chloroform seemed to have closed over Dangerfields consciousness once more.

Ikey remembered seeing his father kill a pet dog with chloroform, and so volunteered to try it on the cat.

And you exhibited to him the vial of chloroform and the piece of cambric?

They gave you a very light dose of chloroform, Miss Wardour.

They knew Miss Wardour, and her sensitiveness to the effects of chloroform.

Frank Lamotte would know just how to administer the chloroform.

The morphine is separated from the same solution by shaking out with warm chloroform.

Hæmatin is insoluble in water, alcohol, chloroform, and in cold dilute acetic and hydrochloric acids.

The inhalation of from five to ten drops of chloroform is an excellent expedient in some instances.