Chroma [noun]

Definition of Chroma:

tinted covering

Synonyms of Chroma:

Opposite/Antonyms of Chroma:


Sentence/Example of Chroma:

These basic stains have been located in their proper positions with regard to their hue, value, and chroma.

Bound the hue rectangle and trace the value and chroma changes occurring on its vertical and horizontal lines.

It is retained at the full chroma for that value on account of the brightness of the sage green wood stain.

We shall then add a small amount of some thinning medium, oil or water, to reduce slightly the stain in chroma.

This hue should make slightly stronger value and chroma contrast than the remaining hues.

The full hue title or symbol may now be written as follows: hue name, amount of chroma, value.

Yellow or yellow-green, very light and much reduced in chroma, seems to be the almost universal custom.

From this boundary, each tint, standard, and shade fades out or loses chroma until the right boundary of the rectangle is reached.

Wall colors are usually reduced to three-fourths chroma to a minimum reduction of slightly less than one-fourth chroma.

With possible modifications of value and chroma each hue now has twenty-seven possible changes.