Cicatrice [noun]

Definition of Cicatrice:

blemish from previous injury or illness

Synonyms of Cicatrice:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cicatrice:

Sentence/Example of Cicatrice:

She lived to be eighty-five, and to the day of her death caressed the scar—the cicatrice of a love-wound.

And he laid bare a fearful cicatrice that almost surrounded his right arm above the wrist.

The fall of pitiful tears, tears from the sweet blue of her guileless eyes, came hissing against the red-hot cicatrice.

There was the cicatrice of an old wound on a lower limb, but otherwise there was no spot or blemish upon the body.

Each of these matrixes contains a small drop of this prolific liquor of the female, in the part that is called the cicatrice.

She pointed to his high bald forehead, on which was scarred a purple cicatrice—evidently the result of some terrible blow.

The Makoa are known by a cicatrice in the forehead shaped like the new moon with the horns turned downwards.

He turned over the neck of his patient's shirt and showed the cicatrice, angry and ugly.

Sur la face de cette vieille reine de nos cathdrales, ct d'un vide on trouve toujours une cicatrice.

Johannes Cookaeus, anglus, cum cicatrice in articullo medii digiti die dicta.