Circumventing [verb]

Definition of Circumventing:

fool, mislead

Synonyms of Circumventing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Circumventing:

Sentence/Example of Circumventing:

The Cardinal then hinted, that Wharton had vanished on some occult mission, to circumvent the Italian investiture.

Punishment still comes to us from those whom we would circumvent.

Philip gave Heracleides a kind of problem to work out,—how to circumvent and destroy the Rhodian fleet.

No wonder that provident parents circumvent such a common law by a settlement before marriage!

How could he know that a deeply laid plot was not already at work to undermine and circumvent him?

Anybody who thinks to circumvent Matilda Maria Skiddy, must get up early in the morning, and find themselves too late at that.

I learnt how to circumvent the Women's Rights woman before I was twenty- three: it's all been found out long ago.

To the slaughter thou hast rushed, although it ill beseemed thee; 'tis bad to circumvent a friend, who well confided in thee.

The fiend men they had fought against were dead and the rising race they could circumvent by subtler means.

In such a position, it becomes a point of honour to circumvent the lady, which is any thing but an easy task.