Clabbered [adjective]

Definition of Clabbered:

concentrated, dense

Synonyms of Clabbered:

Opposite/Antonyms of Clabbered:

Sentence/Example of Clabbered:

The bright anticipations vanished when the meal was seen to consist solely of clabbered milk with black looking maple sugar.

Skim milk, sour milk (either thin or clabbered), and buttermilk are all eaten with relish and promote health and growth.

After weeks without food, he would break his fast with potfuls of clabbered milk offered to him by devotees.

Named from cooking sour clabbered curd to the melting point.

There is folks like that, all sour and clabbered like schmier-case——My days!

The pizza was a Dominos, cold and clabbered, but delicious for all that.

Place a panful of milk which has soured enough to become thick, or clabbered, over a pan of hot water.

Casein is the most important proteid substance in milk, and is familiar to all as the curd or white substance of clabbered milk.

The milk was set in tin pans on a rack in the milk house for the cream to rise, and as soon as the milk clabbered it was skimmed.

That was when the entire community clabbered on him, as you might say, by acclamation.