Classification [noun]

Definition of Classification:


Opposite/Antonyms of Classification:

Sentence/Example of Classification:

This week, we’re looking at the latest developments in the battle over the classification of gig workers, the rise of labor unions in tech and and Instagram’s latest move to be woke.

It would soon become clear that this classification was, at best, misleading.

Mathematicians pursue this classification with “cohomology” theories, which allow them to extract algebraic fingerprints from complicated geometric spaces.

These two companies have been sued many, many times for their labor practices, specifically as they pertain to the classification of their respective drivers as independent contractors.

These classifications may be revisited if a sponsor ceases engaging in this behavior.

This classification scheme beautifully described the particle zoo of the 1960s.

His hero, Gulliver, discovers race after race of beings who typify the genera in his classification of mankind.

In addition to the tolls and charges, the Acts usually contained a rough classification of goods to which they applied.

When the child entered the workhouse it passed out of its former classification and entered into an entirely different one.

By 1860 it "had given instructions that every new workhouse should be so constructed as to allow of the requisite classification."