Clinking [noun]

Definition of Clinking:

bang against, ring

Synonyms of Clinking:

Opposite/Antonyms of Clinking:


Sentence/Example of Clinking:

He spoke with pitying scorn of the money-clinking crowd who were too time-poor to enjoy the keenest delights that earth can offer.

But, at that moment, they heard a sound of horses' feet, accompanied by a clinking of steel.

As it ran, the two men heard, or thought they heard, a clinking sound like that made by a horse with a loose shoe.

A spun-yarn winch was clinking on the forecastle; from alongside rose the music of fretted waters.

Presently they began to descend into the valley, the iron-shod feet of the men clinking upon the stones.

He flashed out his sword and away he clattered up the stone steps, his spurs clinking as he ran.

On the very threshold of his freedom he was finding the lightest of golden chains clinking thinly at his wrists.

From within the saloon came the sound of glasses clinking occasionally, and voices engaged in lazy conversation.

At a little distance behind them came the shepherds with their flocks whose bells were heard clinking from the distance.

At ten o'clock precisely a clinking of bedroom candlesticks was heard in the hall, followed by the sound of locking doors.