Cocaine [noun]

Definition of Cocaine:

illegal drug

Synonyms of Cocaine:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cocaine:


Sentence/Example of Cocaine:

For those who have opium, cocaine, veronal, or heroin to sell can always find a ready market in London and elsewhere.

Such a method is far safer than cocaine, which should never be put in the hands of the patient for any purpose whatever.

I did not think cocaine a safe drug and never used it, preferring the hay fever to the cocaine habit.

All three of us were having trouble with snow-blindness; the "zinc and cocaine" tabloids being in great demand.

I collected from the living voices of my fellow prisoners innumerable jail and cocaine songs, and rhymes of the criminal world.

Its use spread rapidly to other branches of surgery, and cocaine local anaesthesia became quickly an accomplished fact.

The principal active constituent of coca-leaves was discovered about 1860 by Niemann, and called by him cocaine.

And these foreign doctors handling cocaine are heavily bonded.

A business man in Illinois became addicted partly from use in disease to alcohol and the use of morphine and also cocaine.

Instil a few drops of a sterile solution of cocaine, and repeat the instillation in two minutes.