coeval [adjective]

Definition of coeval:

Having the same age or date of origin; contemporary.

Synonyms of coeval:

Opposite/Antonyms of coeval:

Sentence/Example of coeval:

The coeval civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt shared many similarities.

The two artists were coeval and often influenced each other's work.

Fossils from the same period indicate that these creatures were coeval.

The coeval development of technology in different parts of the world is fascinating.

The siblings were coeval, born only minutes apart.

The historian studied coeval documents to understand the period better.

The coeval nature of their careers made them lifelong friends and rivals.

The architect compared coeval buildings to identify the influence of regional styles.

These two theories, though coeval, differ significantly in their approach.

The coeval release of the two movies led to an interesting box office competition.

The professor discussed the coeval growth of democracy and industrialization.

The exhibition showcased coeval artworks from different parts of the world.

Despite being coeval, the writers had vastly different perspectives on life.

The coeval economic policies of the two countries yielded different results.

The students were coeval, graduating from college in the same year.