cogent [adjective]

Definition of cogent:

  • Convincing or compelling
  • having the power to persuade or move by force of reason.

Synonyms of cogent:

Opposite/Antonyms of cogent:

Sentence/Example of cogent:

His argument was so cogent that even the skeptics were convinced.

The prosecutor presented cogent evidence that led to a swift conviction.

The teacher provided cogent reasons for the new grading policy.

Her cogent analysis of the situation persuaded the board to change its decision.

The CEO made a cogent case for restructuring the company's operations.

In his essay, he laid out a cogent argument for stricter environmental regulations.

The journalist wrote a cogent editorial on the importance of free speech.

The politician's speech was not only passionate but also cogent and well-reasoned.

The scientist presented cogent theories that challenged existing paradigms.

The book offers cogent insights into the complexities of human behavior.