Cogitating [verb]

Definition of Cogitating:

think deeply about

Synonyms of Cogitating:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cogitating:

Sentence/Example of Cogitating:

Let me see; let me think, reflect, cogitate, tickle the thinker.

It is chiefly this class of holiday-makers that we have in our minds whilst we cogitate the hints in these pages.

The word "Coger" does not imply codger, or a drinker of cogs, but comes from cogite, to cogitate.

There on the low stone wall bordering on the east the property of Captain Orrin Eldridge, he seated himself to rest and cogitate.

He will lift his eyebrows with a certain look of contempt, and continue to cogitate—about nothing.

He walked to and fro in his room, and cogitated as few people beside Theodore Racksole could cogitate.

And I wanted some time to myself, to cogitate, and to formulate some theories already budding in my brain.

All laughed heartily at this point, and turned away, leaving Sam to bite his lips and cogitate.

Ten seconds more for another gun crew to cogitate on whether disaster hung on the dart of a firing pin.

There was not much time for Kit to scratch his head and cogitate.