Comas [noun]

Definition of Comas:

deep unconsciousness

Synonyms of Comas:

Opposite/Antonyms of Comas:

Sentence/Example of Comas:

In diabetes its presence is a grave symptom and often forewarns of approaching coma.

He then retired into solitude near Coma, passing his time in manual labour, prayer, and study.

It's more of a coma, something like the hibernation of a bear or a possum.

I am glad to have been aroused by so sympathetic a spirit from the coma of thirty years.

The fatal coma may last even when the person has been removed from the gas from hours to days.

I floated a long time in a strange state between coma and consciousness.

In acute cases the results are evident enough: violent pains and convulsions, followed by coma and the turning black of the body.

It was the droning voice of his cousin that brought him back from the borders of the coma he had been fighting off for hours.

A constellation (Coma Berenices) named in honor of one who sacrificed her hair to save her husband.

In her arms was a baby, dead or in a coma, and she rocked it slowly, moaning softly as she listened to his questions.