Comeback [noun]

Definition of Comeback:

recovery, triumph

Synonyms of Comeback:

Opposite/Antonyms of Comeback:

Sentence/Example of Comeback:

The Washington Nationals are no strangers to long-shot comeback bids.

Now, thanks to Covid-19, the custom appears poised to make at least a modest comeback, according to three transportation companies that spoke to Quartz.

It’s not often that a 19th century old technology makes a comeback.

Free throws, which had been steadily dropping in the 3-point era, made a comeback.

Colleges and universities have constantly shifted their comeback plans, but at this point about 25 percent plan to be mostly online, 21 percent primarily in person, 15 percent taking a hybrid approach … and 27 percent TBD.

Making a political comeback isn’t easy when you’ve infuriated your party’s boss.

Sea otters are staging a comeback along Canada’s North Pacific coast, but not everyone is happy about it.

Now, with every chance for a comeback, Nan wanted me to pass!

Fergus made an extremely poor showing on Memorial Day, and the manager thinks this odd bull would provide a real comeback!

The only American comeback to this growing prejudice is to build factories or assembling plants within the British Isles.