Comfort [noun]

Definition of Comfort:

good feeling; ease

Opposite/Antonyms of Comfort:

Sentence/Example of Comfort:

Instead, he asked meaningful questions that brought me comfort.

You can also opt to purchase the item with shoulder pads for extra comfort.

That’s a raw deal for China, as well as India, Vietnam, and other countries trying to raise their citizens to the level of affluence and comfort afforded those in the West.

The comfort and flexibility of learning online have always been of attraction to long-life learners.

For that reason, working out alone, be it outside or in the comfort of your own home, is pretty much risk-free, Thomas says.

That’s probably of little comfort though to the retail army that poured into the stock ahead of its five-for-one stock split, and now sees its call-options coming due.

It measures an almost even 78 by 79 inches for extreme space and comfort.

Ochsner allowed families to visit, but only after they’d decided on comfort care or when the patient was actively dying, they said.

While total volume may look different, we predict travelers will continue to make plans based on their individual safety standards and comfort level.

The more the world warms, the more we’ll need cooling—not merely for comfort, but for health and survival in large parts of the world.