Comities [noun]

Definition of Comities:


Synonyms of Comities:

Opposite/Antonyms of Comities:

Sentence/Example of Comities:

When shall we see some real comity of nations in these matters of international marriage and divorce?

A comity iv ladies wud make Congress repeal th' ten commandments.

They'd been there befure an' dhriven th' Demon Rum fr'm th' resthrant into a lair in th' comity room.

We found them, wherever they were encountered, a people of friendly manners and comity.

Nothing so bold had ever been attempted since Christendom had 254 grown into the comity of nations it now was.

Nor can you urge this recognition on any principle of Comity of Nations.

We come into the comity of nations, but that entirely on the occidental basis of civilisation.

Such rules of international conduct are not rules of law, but of comity.

It does not purport to operate on corporations of other States transacting business in Ohio under the comity of its sovereign.

It may do so on the principle of comity, unless prohibited by the legislation or declared public policy of those States.