Complacent [adjective]
Definition of Complacent:
Opposite/Antonyms of Complacent:
Sentence/Example of Complacent:
He motioned Harkness to a chair and resumed his complacent contemplation of a picture that was flowing across a screen.
"It means I wouldn't get married till you are married, anyway," was the complacent answer.
Savary declared that the smiling and complacent young Czar thought the remark delightful.
That complacent remark struck the ear awry, like the whine of a deacons report at a Sunday-school convention.
Gabriel uttered "a little" in a tone to show her that it was the complacent form of "a great deal."
He's perfectly satisfied, as complacent as an English gentleman can be in the enjoyment of possession.
From this atmosphere of complacent effort Michael withdrew one afternoon to consult Father Viner about his future.
How he distrusted and feared this smug, self-complacent young man!
"Men never do like Jeanne," she assured him, with a complacent rippling gesture of her flounced body.
He read it again and again, and smoked, and walked to his glass, and coddled himself with complacent fancies.