Concomitantly [adverb]

Definition of Concomitantly:

as one

Opposite/Antonyms of Concomitantly:


Sentence/Example of Concomitantly:

As technology’s pace accelerates, the concomitant quickening of life, work, and information has further overloaded our attention.

Prominent personages debated it in public halls, only to be acclaimed and booed concomitantly.

Another group of nurse researchers chose to study the concept of care and caring concomitantly with nursing care practices.

Concomitantly, the profession of nursing attends to the use of that knowledge in response to specific human needs.

Concomitantly with these bodily services and tasks, the mental education of the children goes on till boyhood ceases.

Concomitantly with these changes a different ideal of womanly personality is developing.