concupiscence [noun]

Definition of concupiscence:

  • Strong, often uncontrollable sexual desire.
  • Lustful or carnal desire.

Synonyms of concupiscence:

Opposite/Antonyms of concupiscence:

Sentence/Example of concupiscence:

Concupiscence is a complex human emotion that has been explored in various philosophical and religious contexts.

Some religious traditions emphasize the importance of overcoming concupiscence through spiritual practices.

The concept of original sin often involves the idea of concupiscence as a fundamental aspect of human nature.

Psychological theories have explored the relationship between concupiscence and human behavior.

Literary works often depict characters struggling with the complexities of concupiscence.

The concept of concupiscence has been a subject of debate in ethical discussions.

Some philosophical perspectives argue that concupiscence is a natural and essential part of human life.

The role of hormones in influencing concupiscence has been a topic of scientific research.

Concupiscence has been depicted in various art forms throughout history.

The concept of concupiscence has been interpreted differently across different cultures.

Religious practices often involve rituals or practices aimed at controlling or sublimating concupiscence.

Psychological therapies may address issues related to concupiscence and its impact on individuals.

The concept of concupiscence has been used in theological debates about human nature and morality.

Some philosophical perspectives argue that concupiscence is a source of human creativity and innovation.

The relationship between love and concupiscence has been explored in various works of literature and philosophy.

The concept of concupiscence has been used to explain various social behaviors and phenomena.

The role of media and advertising in stimulating concupiscence has been a subject of analysis.

Some argue that the concept of concupiscence has been used to oppress women and control female sexuality.

The concept of concupiscence has been used to justify various social and political policies.

The relationship between concupiscence and power has been explored in various fields of study.

The concept of concupiscence has been used to explain the appeal of certain forms of entertainment.

Some argue that the concept of concupiscence is a social construct rather than a biological imperative.

The concept of concupiscence has been used to justify discriminatory practices against certain groups.

The relationship between concupiscence and consumerism has been explored in marketing and advertising studies.

The concept of concupiscence has been used to explain the development of various art forms and cultural practices.