Confluent [adjective]

Definition of Confluent:


Synonyms of Confluent:

Opposite/Antonyms of Confluent:


Sentence/Example of Confluent:

Miss Eliot had too rashly taken the alarm, as Mrs. G.'s sort, though confluent, was a very good one.

If you anoint a patient that has confluent smallpox you probably can not wipe away the oil, because the skin will be pustular.

The Small Pox is of two varieties or degrees, distinct and confluent.

They are eight or nine in number, thickly spotted with reddish-brown, these spots being confluent at the larger end.

The mandibles have five teeth, but the fifth is sometimes confluent with the inferior angle.

Spur very broad, rounded, confluent with the basi-scutal angle of the valve.

The mandibles usually have four main teeth, the lowest one being confluent with the inferior pectinated angle: in var.

Some appearances make me think that they abort by becoming confluent with the main petiole.

In time Dock Square became, as its name indicates, a sort of delta for the confluent lanes running down to the dock below it.

Similar to No. 401, but white bars on back confluent forming a more or less continuous white patch.