Confusion [noun]
Definition of Confusion:
Synonyms of Confusion:
Opposite/Antonyms of Confusion:
Sentence/Example of Confusion:
Part of the confusion has to do with the fact that the current phase in Europe — despite how bad it looks according to case numbers alone — has a different dynamic from the first phase.
Instead, there is a lot of uncertainty and confusion about what is next.
Part of the confusion around sealing any deal is the number of interested parties that TikTok’s parent company must satisfy.
A shortage of poll workers could mean “long lines, mass confusion and miscounted ballots.”
However, since it might create confusion to have one jersey playing for both sides, they agree that the residents of two towns will combine forces to play against the third town’s residents.
Beneath your confusion, doubt, and fear lie two conflicting potentials.
That relatively recent possibility opened the door for confusion.
That means helping people register and vote, clearing up confusion about how this election will work, and taking steps to reduce the chances of violence and unrest.
It leads to public confusion, and you’re really putting state and local in a line of fire that’s not necessary.
Others described confusion about the form itself and the information MTS is seeking.