Confutation [noun]

Definition of Confutation:


Synonyms of Confutation:

Opposite/Antonyms of Confutation:


Sentence/Example of Confutation:

It threatens his whole doctrine of compact, and its darling derivatives, nullification and secession, with instant confutation.

For the confutation of this whole reasoning it might be sufficient to ask:—Has it produced these effects?

The preface contained the first declaration of his famous formula which was applied to the confutation of Blackstone.

Trifles light as air are confirmation strong as proofs of Holy Writ, and confutation no less strong.

He had published his doubts in 1823, but his final confutation of the theory of parallelism is found in this Scholion.

To him her face was its confutation, and he knew how loose-tongued is calumny; but still—!

I suppose now, that neither of them hath any patrons, and therefore need no confutation.

Arrogance is removed by confutation; and Socrates was the first who practised this.

The Confutation also speaks of old and new Zwinglians, without mentioning whom they refer to by the term new.

This document, called Confutation, proved to be such a miserable failure that it had to be returned for revision.