Conjugations [noun]

Definition of Conjugations:


Synonyms of Conjugations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Conjugations:

Sentence/Example of Conjugations:

As the first conjugation is a so-called "living" conjugation, it is the termination of many new verbs.

This was known as conjugation, and is seen among Paramecia and some other species to-day.

In the Spanish Romany the verbs are all conjugated on the model of the first conjugation of the Castilian verbs.

I was myself flogged fifteen times in one forenoon, over the conjugation of a verb.

This zygoblast only becomes free after the process of conjugation, as described below.

Another example of conjugation is that of Pandorina, an alga allied to the well-known volvox.

In the second class, if we count conjugation as a simple form of fertilization, there are only two types of reproductive methods.

To this conjugation belongs wryen, to hide, put for wrīhen; hence the pp.

Some of the delicate, filamentous green alg are reproduced by another process termed conjugation.

It changes with the conjugation and varies for present, past and future tense.