Consorting [noun]

Definition of Consorting:

associate, partner

Synonyms of Consorting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Consorting:

Sentence/Example of Consorting:

Antara was born in an ashram, where her mother served, for a time, as the leader’s consort.

A consort was found for him in the royal family of France; and her beauty and grace gave him a languid pleasure.

Quarrel in her presence he could not, nor add one jot to the burden which he felt sure she must bear as the consort of such a man.

And presently I saw that our consort, the Dane, had slackened her speed, so that there was a mile of water between us astern.

Her establishment must also so far exceed that of a king or of a queen-consort, as being composed of ladies as well as gentlemen.

The Wasp, after her battle with the Avon, could not fight two more, so she sailed away and left them to attend to their consort.

More crying and screechin here took place, in which the baby joined; and made a very pretty consort, I can tell you.

Isis, the consort of Osiris, who with him presided at the judgment of the dead, was scarcely less venerated.

Her continuous weeping, he wrote to his consort, showed neither character nor courage.

According to the former, Charles and his consort were in the Escorial, treated with all honor, but prisoners.