Contradictories [noun]

Definition of Contradictories:


Opposite/Antonyms of Contradictories:

Sentence/Example of Contradictories:

There can be no question of the importance of showing that two contraries or contradictories may in certain cases be both true.

It was in view of such perplexities as these that Aristotle set forth the true contradictories of his four Modals.

Contradictories are never both true, or both false, but always one is true, the other false.

This is the reason why two beliefs which are each other's contradictories have the same objective.

Here we come again to the idea of miracle, which unites contradictories.

In each case one or the other of the two contradictories is not real.

Nor is their unity in contradictories, there being a repugnance in the very statement.

They are contradictories, that is, one must be, to the exclusion of the other.

For contradictories are positive and negative in essence and, when least ambiguously stated, also in form.

There is a term in logic—dichotomy—a sharp division, a cutting in two, an opposing of contradictories.