Contused [adjective]

Definition of Contused:


Synonyms of Contused:

Opposite/Antonyms of Contused:

Sentence/Example of Contused:

Face, nose, side, back contused; tendon of left ankle broken.

The contusion, or rather the contused wound appeared,—an oval below the chest between the third and fourth ribs.

The immediate result to the fair driver was a sprained ankle, contused face, and fast blackening eye.

Indirect injury to vessels may occur because of contused wounds and subsequent inflammation of tissues supplied by such vessels.

Traumatic arthritis may result from all sorts of accidents wherein joints are contused.

Strange to say, the wound was in the same place as his wife's, but more contused, and no large vein was divided.

Having fallen head-first from an elevated place, he found himself unwounded, but was contused in such a way as to be insensible.

It passed across the tattered garments, through which the painfully contused flesh peered hideously out at her.

Major Counsellor had fallen down the staircase at the British Legation and injured his head, his brow being much contused.

When the integument gives way at the same time, a contused-wound results.