Convents [noun]
Definition of Convents:
Opposite/Antonyms of Convents:
Sentence/Example of Convents:
During the whole day there was an incessant fusillade, the rebelsʼ chief stronghold being the Recoleto Convent.
They buried her body in the Recollect convent, with the greatest pomp possible.
There were five men and three women in the circus troupe, and among the four nuns was the grave reverend mother of a convent.
With them she spent a year, in a seclusion from the world almost as entire as that which she found in the solitude of the convent.
Her reception at the convent, where she was already held in such high esteem, was cordial in the extreme.
In the course of five or six months he again visited Paris, and called at the convent to see Jane.
Jane, accompanied by her maid, went to the convent to call upon her old friends the nuns.
As usual in Portuguese colonial towns, the church and convent are very conspicuous.
As we rode along, we observed a large Dominican convent, the only one now on the island.
No more than one convent of each denomination is allowed to subsist, and great checks are put on the profession of new members.