Coonskins [noun]

Definition of Coonskins:

raccoon hat

Synonyms of Coonskins:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coonskins:


Sentence/Example of Coonskins:

Coonskin drew a long breath, and said loud enough to be heard a mile away, "Damfino."

So Coonskin waded in and, tying the reins around the broken traces, led the horse on to dry land at a safe distance.

After assisting Coonskin to stable the donks and secure the dogs, I perused a newspaper while my young neophyte went out to smoke.

Coonskin was somewhat embarrassed, but I praised his pluck in glowing terms, and put him at ease.

But Coonskin and I, and even our interpreter, ate sparingly (I use the word "ate," because there was so much meat in it).

Me-tah-ah-qua met us with a grunt, rubbed my nose against his until it became lopsided, and likewise greeted Coonskin.

Coonskin's new steed was forever stopping, and straying out of the road to eat grass.

He rode me back into the yard, and told Coonskin to fetch Cheese out of the barn.

I was gratified to note Coonskin's quick perception, his alertness to obey, and his capacity for memorizing.

Pod wheeled me a short way first, then Coonskin relieved him; in this way I crossed that bridge of size.