Coordinately [adverb]

Definition of Coordinately:


Synonyms of Coordinately:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coordinately:

Sentence/Example of Coordinately:

At Fenton High School, just a few miles from York, most of the 80 or so students learning English are from Guatemala and perhaps half work in factories, said Michelle Rodriguez, who coordinates the English as a second language program.

First, they took the coordinates of each vertex, squared them and added them together — a process known as taking the sum of squares.

They’ll tell you exactly where to go, exactly what time they saw fish, and give you coordinates.

The country faces significant bureaucratic barriers in coordinating its surveillance and data-sharing efforts among city, provincial, and central-level authorities, the report found.

Networks of celebrities and “nano-influencers” are free to post any unpaid messages, even if the messages themselves are written, designed, and coordinated by political campaigns.

From Dallas to Atlanta to Miami to San Jose, departments are forbidding time off for officers and coordinating with federal officials to monitor threats from various troublemakers who may want to show up with heavy weaponry.

I’ve secured several new customers for my agency in the last three months by coordinating my sales and content marketing efforts.

The company regularly releases reports about bad actors it has booted off its service for coordinating to mislead people about their intentions.

The CEOs added that they have coordinated with the rest of the tech industry and law enforcement to identify and remove such posts.

He is responsible for strategic business planning and market intelligence, and Stefan also coordinates projects across business segments and within Siemens Digital leadership.