Coordinates [verb]

Definition of Coordinates:

match, relate

Synonyms of Coordinates:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coordinates:

Sentence/Example of Coordinates:

He put his hand on the plate and waited for the guide coordinates to be set.

Picking up a tiny mass like this was a delicate job, even when you knew its coordinates.

He checked the coordinates of the small green star three times before passing them along to Vorongil.

Artillerymen had guns ready to fire upon it if they ever got firing coordinates and permission to go into action.

Let h be the head, and x, y the coordinates of a point A on the parabolic path of the jet.

Take o as origin of coordinates, and let de, fg be two levels of the water above ob.

A point of such a continuum, you know, appears to us as defined by a system of n distinct magnitudes called its coordinates.

It is our body which serves us, so to speak, as system of axes of coordinates.

The success of the whole depends largely upon how well each subordinate coordinates his work with the general plan.

The method of coordinates seems to be by its inception essentially metrical.