Coquetting [verb]

Definition of Coquetting:


Synonyms of Coquetting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Coquetting:


Sentence/Example of Coquetting:

Coquet had been in the service of the administration since 1809, and had given perfect satisfaction.

But no man can be expected to jeopardise his character, or coquet with the law, unless it be for his own individual interest.

He thought that she was willing to coquet with him, and that, too, the hint about the gold chain might not have been in vain.

The salmo eriox has long established its title to the Coquet as its own exclusive stream.

Breeding ponds for salmon were then established at Rothbury, and 17,000 young fish were turned into the Coquet in a single year.

No tuneful fisher who was friendly with the muse ever failed to give the Coquet a preferential mention in his verse.

From Rothbury the Coquet takes a long sweep through the fields and then plunges into the woods of Brinkburn.

Near the point of junction the Coquet falls, in leap after leap, among rugged and dangerous rocks.

Whosoever desires to make acquaintance with the whole of the Coquet should alight at the neighbouring station of Acklington.

The Coquet is very beautiful here, with a mile walk through woods and meadow lands.