Corkscrewing [verb]

Definition of Corkscrewing:

coil, twist together

Synonyms of Corkscrewing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Corkscrewing:

Sentence/Example of Corkscrewing:

It is entirely filled by a brick slope up which one may walk with ease to the top, corkscrewing round a pillar.

James, his fixed grey-blue eye corkscrewing round some secret anxious image, began again to bite his finger.

The whistle sounded and the ball rose into air, corkscrewing toward the Yates goal.

Enveloped in its folds, Verman sat up, corkscrewing his knuckles into the corners of his eyes.

The ball went corkscrewing down the field, borne on a blast of the whistling wind, and the players sped under it.

Fred's hand gave a twisting jerk on the steering handle; the Goblin went corkscrewing upward.

She loved the mist, and sang as they plugged along, corkscrewing through pine.

At once Keith stopped swinging the helm, and the NX-1's corkscrewing motion of protection ceased.

His ship was describing a corkscrewing motion, weaving straight at the enemy.

And I had hard work corkscrewing them out of old Atkinson, I can tell you.