Cornet [noun]

Definition of Cornet:


Synonyms of Cornet:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cornet:


Sentence/Example of Cornet:

Therefore when we hear the sound of the cornet we should implore God to rebuild the Temple.

A bugle or cornet is not good form, although I have heard it in small towns.

M. Trinquier spun round to face the intruder, baton in one hand, cornet in the other.

There is nothing criminal in preferring the cornet to any other wind instrument.

Casting a last look upon his desolate kraal, the field-cornet turned his horse's head, and rode after the wagon.

Of course it was used to carry the field-cornet's powder, and, if full, it must have contained half-a-dozen pounds at least!

Out of all the live stock of the field-cornet, the cow alone remained, and she was now tended with the greatest care.

Had this work gone on much longer the field-cornet would have had but a poor gathering in harvest time.

The handkerchief was in truth richly embroidered, and had a cornet and a coat of arms at one corner.

You seem to have clean forgotten the incident of a certain cornet who was insulted at a music-hall by two civilians.