Cosh [noun]
Definition of Cosh:
bat, stick
Synonyms of Cosh:
● Business
● Staff
● Sap
● Cudgel
● Works
● Bludgeon
● Baton
● Mace
● Hammer
● Hickory
● Mallet
● Billy
● Swatter
● Rosewood
● Shill
Opposite/Antonyms of Cosh:
Sentence/Example of Cosh:
Py cosh, if dat iss der vay you wants your grub, py cosh, dat iss der vay you gets it alreatty!
Py cosh, I vould keel der fool vot made her first von of der automo-beels, yet!
"Py cosh, I got all der rights dere iss," Patsy returned querulously.
Cosh, a neddy, a life-preserver; any short, loaded bludgeon.
Cosh-carrying was near to being the major industry of the Jago.
Sheep's vool shtickin' by der fences efferwhere on der ranch, py cosh!
"Py cosh, I not cook chuck for you fellers ven I'm sick," he mumbled dazedly.
The cosh was a foot length of iron rod, with a knob at one end, and a hook (or a ring) at the other.
The Jago was black with night, the rats came and went, and the cosh-carriers lurked on landings.
Coshery, kosh′ėr-i, n. the ancient right of an Irish chief to quarter himself and his retainers on his tenantry—also Cosh′ering.