Cosmopolites [noun]

Definition of Cosmopolites:

person native of country

Opposite/Antonyms of Cosmopolites:

Sentence/Example of Cosmopolites:

Does the cosmopolite necessarily pay for his freedom by a want of function—the impersonality of not being representative?

As a cosmopolite, and on general principles of being, I prefer the Dalles way.

In manner and manners, tone and cast of thought he was English--delightfully English--though he cultivated the cosmopolite.

His accent was that of a traveled cosmopolite superimposed upon the speech of a place away off somewhere called the West Indies.

He had thought himself very sharp that first day in hitting them all off in his mind with the “cosmopolite” label.

This insect is a true cosmopolite, however, and is as much at home on dry land as it is in the water.

Seddon shook hands with the distinguished cosmopolite, and remarked that the weather was extremely hot.

The cosmopolite approached them at a hurried pace, and apparently in much excitement.

My cosmopolite made a large adieu and left me, for he thought he saw some one through the chatter and smoke whom he knew.

I sat reflecting upon my evident cosmopolite and wondering how the poet had managed to miss him.