Counterattacks [noun]
Definition of Counterattacks:
Sentence/Example of Counterattacks:
Quickly, Jackson ordered up two brigades to press a counterattack, moving forward his artillery as the infantry advanced.
A favorable decision can not be expected without counterattack.
The exhaustion of officers and men must not cause the neglect of measures to meet a counterattack.
If the assault is successful, preparations must be made at once to repel a counterattack.
Hostile retaliation is not anticipated, but arrangements will be made to deal summarily with any counterattack.
More ground was also recovered next day on our right, and the German counterattack seemed to have been exhausted.
In a fierce counterattack the British drove them back with heavy losses and the line was completely restored.
This movement was made to prevent the enemy from making a flank counterattack while the assault on the Orchard was in progress.
By early evening of June 3, 1916, it was known that the counterattack had failed in its main objective.
Bombing posts were established down the German communication trenches, but the Germans did not attempt a counterattack.